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时间:2024-04-25   浏览:7次

1、愿所有美好和期待,都能如约而至。 May all the good things and expectations come true. 2、幸福,是熬出来的,坚强,是逼出来的。 Happiness, is boiled out, strong, is forced out. 3、谁不是摔倒后继续爬起,谁不是寒心后看懂人心。 Who is not after falling down to continue to climb up, who is not cold after understanding the heart. 4、别认输,坚持正义,自古以来,邪不压正,东风压倒西风。 Don't admit defeat and stick to justice. Since ancient times, evil does not suppress justice, and the east wind prevails over the west wind. 5、路,再难也要走,事,再累都要干! Road, no matter how difficult to go, no matter how tired you have to do! 6、往后余生,快乐是我,健康是我,富有也是我。 For the rest of my life, I will be happy, healthy and rich. 7、余生很短,请善待自己。 The rest of your life is very short. Please be kind to yourself. 8、祝我和今天生日的你们,生日快乐,心想事成。 Happy birthday to me and all of you on your birthday today. 9、致自己,永远做个坚强的人。 To myself, always be a strong man. 10、今天我生日,我不奢望我会有多好但希望你们都会过好。 Today is my birthday, I don't expect how good I will be, but I hope you will have a good time. 11、所谓的坚强,就是死撑硬扛,就是自己挺住。 The so-called strong, is dead support hard shoulder, is to hold on. 12、做自己的屋檐,未来的风雨自己挡! Do your own eaves, the wind and rain in the future! 13、往后余生,做自己的女王! For the rest of your life, be your own queen! 14、支支灿烂的烛光,岁岁生日的幸福,幸运的我,明天会更好。 Bright candle light, happy birthday, lucky me, tomorrow will be better. 15、人,都是被逼出来的!一个人的坚强,致自己!2021,加油! People, are forced out! A person's strong, to their own! 2021, come on! 16、成长带走的不只是时光,还带走了当初那些不害怕失去的勇气。 Growth takes not only time, but also the courage not afraid of losing. 17、累了,就睡觉;烦了,就走走! If you are tired, go to bed; if you are tired, go away! 18、感谢离开的人使我成长,不念过往、不畏将来、不忘初心。 Thanks to the people who left me to grow up, not thinking about the past, not afraid of the future, not forgetting the original heart. 19、你加了一岁,加了一份魅力,加了一份成熟,加了一份智慧! You add a year old, add a charm, add a mature, add a wisdom! 20、傻傻的我,傻傻地活,挺好。 Silly me, silly live, very good. 21、比去年又大一岁,所以更加散发光芒! One year older than last year, so it's more radiant! 22、愿自己,成熟,稳重,可爱,善良,填满优秀。 Wish oneself, mature, steady, lovely, kind, filled with excellent. 23、要想成蝶,必须先作茧自缚,要想成功,必须先受罪吃苦。 If you want to become a butterfly, you must first be trapped in a cocoon. If you want to succeed, you must suffer first. 24、愿你坚强,身处不如意时从容不慌张。 May you be strong and calm when you are in trouble. 25、年底了,回头看看,这个傻傻的自己,都经历了什么。 The end of the year, look back, this silly self, have experienced what. 26、我们要在安静中,不慌不忙的坚强。 We want to be strong and calm in silence. 27、明天是我的生日,好高兴啊,给点鲜花鼓励一下吧,谢谢。 Tomorrow is my birthday, so happy, give some flowers to encourage it, thank you. 28、要长大,要乖,要不负众望,祝自己生日快乐。 To grow up, to be good, to live up to expectations, I wish you a happy birthday. 29、按时长大,永远年轻,永远热泪盈眶! Grow up on time, always young, always in tears! 30、逼出来的坚强,扛出来的独立! Forced out of the strong, carry out the independence! 31、坎坷人生路,请坚强! Rough road of life, please be strong! 32、祝我无坚不摧,祝我百毒不侵,祝我生日快乐,祝我可爱迷人。 Wish me invincible, wish me invincible, wish me a happy birthday, I wish me lovely charming. 33、能打败你的,只有自己。 You can only be defeated by yourself. 34、我的心,像伞,撑得开,却收不起。 My heart, like an umbrella, can be opened, but can not be put back. 35、无论他人离去与否,请永远照顾好自己。 Always take care of yourself whether others leave or not. 36、以后要做到对他人减少依赖,降低期待,并爱自己。 In the future, we should reduce dependence on others, lower expectations, and love ourselves. 37、第一次十八岁,多多指教。 The first time I was 18 years old, I gave you a lot of advice. 38、生活从未变得轻松,是你在一点一点变得坚强。 Life has never been easy, it's you who become strong little by little. 39、路上有坎坷,人才变得坚强起来。 There are ups and downs on the road, talents become strong. 40、生命中最难的阶段不是没有人懂你,而是你不懂你自己。 The hardest part of life is not that no one knows you, but that you don't know yourself. 41、七月有风,八月有雨,我的生日会不会有你。 There is wind in July and rain in August. Will you be my birthday. 42、一个月后的今天,就是我的十八岁大寿! A month later, today is my 18th birthday! 43、那些打不到我们的,终将使我们强大。 Those who can't hit us will make us strong. 44、愿一切为之努力的事情,最后皆有所成。 May everything you do for it will come true in the end. 45、生活明朗,人生可爱,人间值得,万物可期。 The life is bright, the life is lovely, the world is worth, everything can be expected. 46、要继续成长为厉害的大人,以及永远万事胜意的女孩。 To continue to grow into a powerful adult, and always win everything girls. 47、我家有喜事,今天我生日。 My family has a happy event. Today is my birthday. 48、不要为现在的努力喊累,黎明前的夜总是最黑。 Don't cry tired for the present effort, the night before dawn is always the darkest. 49、生日自己过,也可以很快乐! You can have a happy birthday! 50、人正是因为有了不能忘记的回忆才会坚强,这就是成长。 It is because of the memories that can not be forgotten that people will be strong. This is growth. 51、亲爱的自己,永远不要跟别人搞暧昧,你玩不起! Dear yourself, never make love with others, you can't afford to play! 52、希望以后的日子里,眼里是阳光笑里是坦荡。 Hope in the future days, the eyes are sunny, smile is magnanimous. 53、温暖而善良自由且富余,生日快乐祝我自己。 Warm and kind, free and spare, happy birthday to myself. 54、傻傻的我,傻傻的活,人活一世,别累了自己的心。 Silly me, silly life, people live a lifetime, don't tired of their own heart. 55、一个人的坚强不是看他外壳有多硬,而是看他的疤痕有多深。 A person's strong is not to see how hard his shell is, but how deep his scar is. 56、岁岁年年深情未减,以梦为马期待人间。 Years of deep affection has not been reduced, to dream for the horse, looking forward to the world. 57、生日快乐!愿这特殊的日子里,你的每时每刻都充满欢乐。 Happy birthday! May every moment of your life be filled with joy on this special day. 58、人生最糟糕的不是出错,而是没有出错的勇气。 The worst thing in life is not to make mistakes, but to have no courage to make mistakes. 59、愿有人鲜衣怒马,陪你看烈焰繁花。 I hope someone will accompany you to see the flaming flowers. 60、我们都要面向太阳,骄傲的活着。 We all have to face the sun and live with pride.






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